About Her
Assalamualaikum, we are looking for our sister, we belong to mahabubnagar, my sister is very beautiful, caring, religious, namazi, respecting elders, self dependent..
Basic Information of AMFU59640
Mahabubnagar, India
Annual Income
Rupees. 50001-100000
Education and Occupation
Annual Income
Assalamualaikum, we are reputed family of mahabubnagar, anyone wants to relocate to Dubai or Saudi Arabia we will provide visa nine six for zero for one one seven eight seven, and my sister is very humble, gorgeous sweet girl,
Family Type
Nuclear Family
Father's Name
Late Mohammed Khaja Moinuddin
AMFU59640 Desired Partner Profile
We are looking for well educated, person
Basic Details
5ft 5in 165cm to 6ft 0in 182cm
Lifestyle and Attributes
5ft 5in 165cm to 6ft 0in 182cm